Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spring Festival Collection - The Lantern 春節采買 2011


Lunar New Year falls on 3 February 2011 next year. It will be the Year of the Rabbit.
2011年農曆新年將於明年2月3日到來 今年將會是兔年

The Rabbit is the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 animals signs. The Rabbit is a lucky sign.
兔子 在12生肖中排名第4位 是一個幸運的象徵喔

To celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, a few Chinese creators in Second Life have teamed up to organise the Spring Festival Collection - The Lantern 2011 春節采買 (SFC) event.
為了歡慶兔年的到來  Second Life 上的幾位華人創作者共同舉辦了春節購物活動

Event Period....

Event period starting: 24-Jan-2011 to 24-Feb-2011
活動期間: 2011年1月24日 至 2011年2月24日

How it works?

All Second Life Residents can participate in this event.
歡迎所有的SL 用戶參加這個活動
  1. From 24-Jan-2011 to 24-Feb-2011, just buy any item above 80L from the participating stores listed below.
  2. You will be given a lantern stick from the item you bought.
  3. Take the lantern stick to get lanterns from all the particpating stores.
  4. Take the lanterns to the main event building (tba).
  5. Light up all the lanterns from the Rabbit machine.
  6. Exchange for a gift from the Rabbit machine.
Participating Stores
Creator Application
At the moment, this event is only by invitation for Chinese creator who has an in world shop in Second Life.

However, if you are a Chinese creator and interested to participate, please sent a notecard to Blackcan Babii or milo Bubble for consideration.

More information coming soon.

Page translated to Chinese by Camadolce Hifeng

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